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Exchange rate

Exchange rate

CurrencyCountryCurrency nameBuyingMiddleSalesParitet
AUDAustralian dollar68.833671.330273.82681
CADCanadian dollar77.211080.011482.81181
CHFSwiss franc116.0401119.6290123.21791
DKKDanish krone15.158115.707916.25771
GBPPound sterling132.4454136.5416140.63781
HUFHungarian Forint28.299229.788631.2780100
JPYJapanese yen67.493969.941972.3899100
NOKNorwegian krone9.60909.957510.30601
RUBRussian ruble1.06671.18521.30371
SEKSwedish krona9.680510.031610.38271
USDAmerican dollar105.9761109.2537112.53131
CurrencyCountryCurrency nameEffective lowerMiddleEffective upperParitet
AUDAustralian dollar67.763771.330274.89671
CADCanadian dollar76.010880.011484.01201
CHFSwiss franc115.4420119.6290123.81601
DKKDanish krone14.922515.707916.49331
GBPPound sterling131.7626136.5416141.32061
HUFHungarian Forint27.405529.788632.1717100
JPYJapanese yen0.000069.94190.0000100
NOKNorwegian krone9.45969.957510.45541
RUBRussian ruble0.00001.18520.00001
SEKSwedish krona9.530010.031610.53321
USDAmerican dollar105.4298109.2537113.07761

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Reference interest rates:

KSDKamatna stopa na depozitne olakšice5.25 %
RKSNBS reference interest rate6.5 %
IPCIndeks potrošačkih cena (u odnosu na prethodni mesec)0.3 %
B3MQuarterly Belibor5.69 %
E3MQuarterly Euribor3.879 %
B6MSix-month Belibor5.8 %
E6MSix-month Euribor3.833 %

* The bank temporarily stops the sale and purchase of NOK foreign cash from 01.06.2023.

* The bank temporarily stops the sale and purchase of DKK foreign cash from 28.10.2022.

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